Boys Fight, with drawings by Michel Gérard, Winter Editions (Brooklyn, NY) and Alder & Frankia (Bridgeport, CT)
Nenagliadnye posobia, selected poems in Russian, New Literary Review, Moscow, Russia
WHO IS I?, in collaboration with Michel Gerard, edited by James Copeland, Content series, Brooklyn
What Do You Want, collection of poetry, edited by Matvei Yankelevich, Ugly Ducking Presse, Brooklyn, New York
MoMA Duomo, artist book in collaboration with Michel Gerard, Editions Voix, Richard Meier Publishing, France
Canto Immigranto, selected poem in Russian, New Literary Review, Moscow, Russia
Kalancha, collection of poetry in Russian, Slovo/Word Publishing, New York
Observatoire Geomnesique, trilingual artist book in collaboration with Michel Gerard, translated in English by Alfred Corn, Editions Voix, Richard Meier Publishing, France
In Reverse (V obratnom napravlenii), collection of poetry in Russian, Syntax, Paris, France
A Part of a Part, (Chasti Chast’), collection of poetry in Russian, Syntax, Paris, France
Public Project:
My Solar Battery, Second Street Station, Hoboken, Bergen-Hudson Light Rail, New Jersey Transit
Selected Art and Artist Book Collections:
Columbia University, NYC
Harvard University, Boston, MA
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Cornell University, NY
Stanford University, CA
University of California, Berkeley, CA
Central Connecticut State University, CT
Ohio State University Library, OH
Tony Zwicker Collection, Chicago Art Institute, IL
Prints and Artists Books Department, New York Public Library, NYC
Artists Books Collection, Bienecke Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Prints and Graphic Art Department, Minneapolis Museum of Art, MN
Kolodzei Art Foundation, NJ
Francois Barnoud Collection, Dijon, France
Gerald Janachek Collection, KY
One-Person and Collaborative Exhibitions:
Children of the War, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY (in collaboration with Michel Gérard; exhibition booklet written by Regina Khidekel, Christopher Squier, and Marina Tëmkina)
Ensemble, two-artist show, Musée de l'Hospice Saint-Roch, Issoudun, France (exhibition catalog written by Francois Michaud, Patrice Moreau, Christopher Squier, Rachel Stella, Marina Tëmkina, including a poem by Bernard Noël)
I Need Angels, solo show, Galerie Francios Barnoud, Dijon, France
L’enfance d’art, poetry wall installation. In: Michel Gerard’s exhibition L’enfance de l’art, Gallery des Ponchettes, Nice, France; catalogue
Sweet Sixty, multimedia happening, Florence Lynch Gallery, New York
Rue de Leningrad, multimedia two artists show with Michel Gerard, Cimaise & Portique, Center départemental d’art contemporain, Albi, France; booklet, interview by Alla Efimova
Engagement Time, Florence Lynch Gallery, NYC; review by Susan Tenneriello in: Slavic and East European Performance, quarterly, CUNY, vol. 20, no. 2, summer 2000; interview with Alla Efimova, PhD, curator, Judah Magnus Museum. in: Novoe Russkoe Slovo, daily, March 24, 2000
Autographs, drawings and poetry installations, traveling exhibition Galerie Francois Barnoud, Dijon, France, Florence Lynch Gallery, NYC Institute of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia; review by Milena Orlova in: Kommersant, daily, Moscow, August 7, 1998, A-YA Art Center, St. Petersburg, Russia
Drawings by a Russian Poet, solo show, ArtNations, Florence Lynch Projects, NYC
Group Exhibitions:
Valise Or Not Valise, installation de dessins, photographies, objects et texte, exposition collective Of Equality and Irregularity, organisée par Ilya Shepilovskich, Crossroads/Brural Project 59, Bushwick, Brooklyn, New York
This Skirt Is a Killer, installation de vêtements, exposition collective Hippie Priest, organisée par Nikita Vishnevsky, Honey Ramka Gallery, Bushwick, Brooklyn, New York
Colorfield Bedspreads, installation avec dessins, aquarelle, fils ; exposition collective Con-Text, Lynch-Tham Lower East Side Gallery, New York
Small is Beautiful, Galerie Barnoud, Dijon, France
Hermaphrodites, curated by Nikita Vyshnevsky, Invisible Dog Art Space, Brooklyn, NY
Astrology, at Liz Zanis, Brooklyn, NY
Salon de Dessines, Carousel de Louvre, Galerie Barnoud, Paris, France
Chicago Art Fair, Galerie Francios Barnoud
Reactions, Exit Art, NYC
Art On Hangers: We Love Our Customers, collaboration with Michel Gerard, Hungarian Consulate, NYC, traveling to Budapest, Hungary; curated by Robbin Ami Silverberg and Andras Borocz
Art by Russian Women-Artists, The Bergen Museum of Art and Science, Hackensack, NJ, curated by Tatiana Kolodzei
Centre St. Charles, Sorbonne, Paris, France, curated by Florence Lynch, catalogue
"...Sarajevo... Sarajevo... Sarajevo...,” sound track for the Michel Gerard’s sculpture, The Meeting on Sculpture, Euro-cultural Centre, Delphi, Greece; reviewed by Eleanor Heartney in: "Contemporary Oracles," Art in America, May, 1995, p. 61
Post-Leninist Crop, collaborative project with Michel Gerard for the traveling group show "Monumental Propaganda," curated by Komar & Melamid. Exhibited at Courtyard Gallery World Financial Center, NYC; Smithsonian International Gallery, Ripley Center, Washington, D.C.; Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach, FL; Muckenthaler Art Center, Fullerton, CA; Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art & Design, Kansas City, MO; Helsinki City Art Museum, Helsinki, Finland; Institute of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia; Uppsala Kunstmuseum, Uppsala, Sweden; Contemporary Art Center, Copenhagen, Denmark. Catalogue published by Independent Curators, Inc; review and reproduction "Slight Modifications" by Lawrence Weschler in The New Yorker, 7/12/1993
Awards, Grants, and Residences:
Yaddo, Saratoga Springs, NY
Ledig-Rohwolt Foundation, Switzerland
Puffin Foundation, NJ
ArtsLink/CEC International Partners
Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture
National Endowment for the Arts
Pergamon Press Award, Carl Djerassi Foundation, CA
Artist Residence, Carl Djerassi Foundation, CA
Fellowships and Academic Affiliations:
2001 – 2002
Visiting Scholar, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York
1999 – 2000
Charles Revson Foundation Fellowship On The Future Of New York, Columbia University, New York
1998 – 2000
Transregional Center for Democracy Development, New School for Social Research, New York
1996 –1997
Art in Transition: Eastern and Central Europe, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ
1996, summer
Gender and Identity in Russian Culture, National Endowment for Humanities, Amherst College, MA
Selected Anthologies:
Feminist Poetics, ed. Maria Bobylyova and Yulia Podlubnova, Portal “Such Are Things,” ACT Publishers, Moscow, 2021
Time's Ties: Literary Almanac no. 10, ed. Raisa Resnik, San Jose, CA, 2018-2020
Contemporary Russian Free Verse, vol. 2, ed. Anna Orlitskaya and Yuri Orlitskiy, Festival of Free Verse, Moscow, 2019
Interview in Poets in New York: City, Language, and Diaspora, Yakov Klotz, New Literary Review, Moscow, 2016
Two Centuries of Dual Identity: Russian Jewish Writing, ed. M. Shrayer, E.M. Sharp Publishing, CT, 2006
Liberated Ulysses, anthology of Russian poets in Diaspora, ed. Dmitry Kuzmin, New Literary Review, Moscow, Russia, 2005
New Russian Poetry, ed.& translator. Irena Luksic, Biblioteca Knjizevna smotra, Zagreb, Croatia, 1998
Russian Poetry of the Twentieth Century, ed. Evgeny Evtushenko, Moscow, Russia, 1994
Dictionary of Russian Women Writers, ed. Marina Ledkovsky, Greenwood Press, CT, 1994
Poets' Club Anthology, v.1, ed. Boris Vetrov, American-Israel Friendship Society, NYC, 1994
Free Voices in Russian Literature 1950–1980, ed. Alexander Sumerkin, Russica, NYC, 1987
The Blue Lagoon Anthology of Modern Russian Poetry, v. 4, ed. Konstantin Kuzminsky,
Austin State University, TX, 1986
Russian Poets in the West, ed. Alexander Glezer, The Third Wave Publishing, Jersey City, New Jersey, 1986
Selected Lectures and Panel Presentations:
Judah Magnes Collection, Berkeley University
Universities in Constantin, Annaba, Algers, Algeria
Sheffield University, UK
Birmingham University, UK
Barnard College, Columbia University, NYC
New York University, NYC
New School for Social Research, NYC
United Nation International School, NYC
Drew University, NJ
Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Art, Dijon, France
Ecole des Etudes Slaves, Sorbonne, Paris
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Berkeley University, CA
Austin State University, TX
Blacksburg State University, VA
Selected Poetry Readings and Performances:
The Harriman Institute at Columbia University, NYC
Yorkville Library, New York Public Library, NYC
205 Hudson Gallery, Hunter College Art Galleries, NYC (Distortions: Moscow Conceptualists Working Today, "Evening of Poetry and Actions")
Joseph Brodsky Cabinet, Museum of Anna Akhmatova, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Unnameable Book Store, Brooklyn, NY
Museum of Modern Art with UDP group
Blago Bung Performance Festival, Emily Harvey Foundation, NYC
Co-workers Project, Entwine Tapas Bar, NYC
The Judah Magnes Collection of Jewish Art, Berkeley University
Sculpture Center, LIC, NY
Institute Francaise: Constantin, Annaba, Algers, Algeria
Mad Hatters Journal, Cornelia Café, NYC
Chin Music Poetry Café, Brooklyn, NYC
The Kitchen, NYC
Brooklyn Book Festival, NYC
Dixon Place, NYC
Russian Samovar with Elena Fanailova, organized by ArtsLink/CEC International
St. Mark’s Poetry project, NYC
Bowery Poetry Club, NYC
Shakespeare and Company Bookstore, Paris, France
Spiro Ark, London, UK
Brooklyn Book Festival, NYC
Brooklyn Public Library, NYC
International Poetry Biennial, Moscow, Russia
Borei Art Club, St. Petersburg, Russia
2004, May
Bowery Poetry Club, NYC
2002, June
Bard University/Smolny program, Russian Samovar, NYC
2001, Oct.
Bramson ORT Institute, Brooklyn, NY
2001, Jan.
"From the Next Book," Russian Poets' Club, Workmen Circle, NYC
2000, June
"I love" and other poems, "Reading America" Summer Institute, New School
2000, March
“Poetry and War,” Africana Studies Program, Institute of African American Affairs, NYU
1999, Oct.
East European Poets, Bohemian National Hall, NYC
1999, Oct.
Berkeley University, Slavic Dept., CA
1999, Apr.
Eugene Lang College, Faculty Reading, New School for Social Research, NY
1998, Dec.
Collective Unconscious, Lower East Side, group reading, NYC
1998, Nov.
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
1998, Aug.
A-Ya Art Center, St. Petersburg, Russia
“International Poetry” performance, ArtNation Projects, NYC
“International Poetry” performance; "Art in Transition" seminar, Rutgers State University
Art Nation, Florence Lynch Project, NYC
Art in General, NYC
Eastern European Expatriate Club, New York University, NYC
International Poetry Fest, Stevens Technology Institute, Hoboken, NJ
The B'Nai Jeshurum Synagogue, NYC
Komar & Melamid Studio, NYC
Nabokov Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
Lurie Gymnasium, St. Petersburg, Russia
St. Petersburg Gender Center, Russia
Free Artists Studio, Moscow, Russia
Library of Zionist Forum, Jerusalem, Israel
"Images from the Other Europe," Festival at Central Connecticut State University, CT
American-Israel Friendship Society, NYC
Poets' House, NYC
Japanese Gallery on 7th Avenue, NYC
BBC Poetry Archive, London, England
"Poets in Exile," National Public Radio, Washington, D.C.
Village Voice Bookstore, Paris, France
"In Defense of Ratushinskaya Case," Endicott Booksellers, NYC
Further list of publications available upon request
Boys Fight, with drawings by Michel Gérard, Winter Editions (Brooklyn, NY) and Alder & Frankia (Bridgeport, CT)
Nenagliadnye posobia, selected poems in Russian, New Literary Review, Moscow, Russia
WHO IS I?, in collaboration with Michel Gerard, edited by James Copeland, Content series, Brooklyn
What Do You Want, collection of poetry, edited by Matvei Yankelevich, Ugly Ducking Presse, Brooklyn, New York
MoMA Duomo, artist book in collaboration with Michel Gerard, Editions Voix, Richard Meier Publishing, France
Canto Immigranto, selected poem in Russian, New Literary Review, Moscow, Russia
Kalancha, collection of poetry in Russian, Slovo/Word Publishing, New York
Observatoire Geomnesique, trilingual artist book in collaboration with Michel Gerard, translated in English by Alfred Corn, Editions Voix, Richard Meier Publishing, France
In Reverse (V obratnom napravlenii), collection of poetry in Russian, Syntax, Paris, France
A Part of a Part, (Chasti Chast’), collection of poetry in Russian, Syntax, Paris, France
Public Project:
My Solar Battery, Second Street Station, Hoboken, Bergen-Hudson Light Rail, New Jersey Transit
Selected Art and Artist Book Collections:
Columbia University, NYC
Harvard University, Boston, MA
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Cornell University, NY
Stanford University, CA
University of California, Berkeley, CA
Central Connecticut State University, CT
Ohio State University Library, OH
Tony Zwicker Collection, Chicago Art Institute, IL
Prints and Artists Books Department, New York Public Library, NYC
Artists Books Collection, Bienecke Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Prints and Graphic Art Department, Minneapolis Museum of Art, MN
Kolodzei Art Foundation, NJ
Francois Barnoud Collection, Dijon, France
Gerald Janachek Collection, KY
One-Person and Collaborative Exhibitions:
Children of the War, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY (in collaboration with Michel Gérard; exhibition booklet written by Regina Khidekel, Christopher Squier, and Marina Tëmkina)
Ensemble, two-artist show, Musée de l'Hospice Saint-Roch, Issoudun, France (exhibition catalog written by Francois Michaud, Patrice Moreau, Christopher Squier, Rachel Stella, Marina Tëmkina, including a poem by Bernard Noël)
I Need Angels, solo show, Galerie Francios Barnoud, Dijon, France
L’enfance d’art, poetry wall installation. In: Michel Gerard’s exhibition L’enfance de l’art, Gallery des Ponchettes, Nice, France; catalogue
Sweet Sixty, multimedia happening, Florence Lynch Gallery, New York
Rue de Leningrad, multimedia two artists show with Michel Gerard, Cimaise & Portique, Center départemental d’art contemporain, Albi, France; booklet, interview by Alla Efimova
Engagement Time, Florence Lynch Gallery, NYC; review by Susan Tenneriello in: Slavic and East European Performance, quarterly, CUNY, vol. 20, no. 2, summer 2000; interview with Alla Efimova, PhD, curator, Judah Magnus Museum. in: Novoe Russkoe Slovo, daily, March 24, 2000
Autographs, drawings and poetry installations, traveling exhibition Galerie Francois Barnoud, Dijon, France, Florence Lynch Gallery, NYC Institute of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia; review by Milena Orlova in: Kommersant, daily, Moscow, August 7, 1998, A-YA Art Center, St. Petersburg, Russia
Drawings by a Russian Poet, solo show, ArtNations, Florence Lynch Projects, NYC
Group Exhibitions:
Valise Or Not Valise, installation de dessins, photographies, objects et texte, exposition collective Of Equality and Irregularity, organisée par Ilya Shepilovskich, Crossroads/Brural Project 59, Bushwick, Brooklyn, New York
This Skirt Is a Killer, installation de vêtements, exposition collective Hippie Priest, organisée par Nikita Vishnevsky, Honey Ramka Gallery, Bushwick, Brooklyn, New York
Colorfield Bedspreads, installation avec dessins, aquarelle, fils ; exposition collective Con-Text, Lynch-Tham Lower East Side Gallery, New York
Small is Beautiful, Galerie Barnoud, Dijon, France
Hermaphrodites, curated by Nikita Vyshnevsky, Invisible Dog Art Space, Brooklyn, NY
Astrology, at Liz Zanis, Brooklyn, NY
Salon de Dessines, Carousel de Louvre, Galerie Barnoud, Paris, France
Chicago Art Fair, Galerie Francios Barnoud
Reactions, Exit Art, NYC
Art On Hangers: We Love Our Customers, collaboration with Michel Gerard, Hungarian Consulate, NYC, traveling to Budapest, Hungary; curated by Robbin Ami Silverberg and Andras Borocz
Art by Russian Women-Artists, The Bergen Museum of Art and Science, Hackensack, NJ, curated by Tatiana Kolodzei
Centre St. Charles, Sorbonne, Paris, France, curated by Florence Lynch, catalogue
"...Sarajevo... Sarajevo... Sarajevo...,” sound track for the Michel Gerard’s sculpture, The Meeting on Sculpture, Euro-cultural Centre, Delphi, Greece; reviewed by Eleanor Heartney in: "Contemporary Oracles," Art in America, May, 1995, p. 61
Post-Leninist Crop, collaborative project with Michel Gerard for the traveling group show "Monumental Propaganda," curated by Komar & Melamid. Exhibited at Courtyard Gallery World Financial Center, NYC; Smithsonian International Gallery, Ripley Center, Washington, D.C.; Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach, FL; Muckenthaler Art Center, Fullerton, CA; Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art & Design, Kansas City, MO; Helsinki City Art Museum, Helsinki, Finland; Institute of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia; Uppsala Kunstmuseum, Uppsala, Sweden; Contemporary Art Center, Copenhagen, Denmark. Catalogue published by Independent Curators, Inc; review and reproduction "Slight Modifications" by Lawrence Weschler in The New Yorker, 7/12/1993
Awards, Grants, and Residences:
Yaddo, Saratoga Springs, NY
Ledig-Rohwolt Foundation, Switzerland
Puffin Foundation, NJ
ArtsLink/CEC International Partners
Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture
National Endowment for the Arts
Pergamon Press Award, Carl Djerassi Foundation, CA
Artist Residence, Carl Djerassi Foundation, CA
Fellowships and Academic Affiliations:
2001 – 2002
Visiting Scholar, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York
1999 – 2000
Charles Revson Foundation Fellowship On The Future Of New York, Columbia University, New York
1998 – 2000
Transregional Center for Democracy Development, New School for Social Research, New York
1996 –1997
Art in Transition: Eastern and Central Europe, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ
1996, summer
Gender and Identity in Russian Culture, National Endowment for Humanities, Amherst College, MA
Selected Anthologies:
Feminist Poetics, ed. Maria Bobylyova and Yulia Podlubnova, Portal “Such Are Things,” ACT Publishers, Moscow, 2021
Time's Ties: Literary Almanac no. 10, ed. Raisa Resnik, San Jose, CA, 2018-2020
Contemporary Russian Free Verse, vol. 2, ed. Anna Orlitskaya and Yuri Orlitskiy, Festival of Free Verse, Moscow, 2019
Interview in Poets in New York: City, Language, and Diaspora, Yakov Klotz, New Literary Review, Moscow, 2016
Two Centuries of Dual Identity: Russian Jewish Writing, ed. M. Shrayer, E.M. Sharp Publishing, CT, 2006
Liberated Ulysses, anthology of Russian poets in Diaspora, ed. Dmitry Kuzmin, New Literary Review, Moscow, Russia, 2005
New Russian Poetry, ed.& translator. Irena Luksic, Biblioteca Knjizevna smotra, Zagreb, Croatia, 1998
Russian Poetry of the Twentieth Century, ed. Evgeny Evtushenko, Moscow, Russia, 1994
Dictionary of Russian Women Writers, ed. Marina Ledkovsky, Greenwood Press, CT, 1994
Poets' Club Anthology, v.1, ed. Boris Vetrov, American-Israel Friendship Society, NYC, 1994
Free Voices in Russian Literature 1950–1980, ed. Alexander Sumerkin, Russica, NYC, 1987
The Blue Lagoon Anthology of Modern Russian Poetry, v. 4, ed. Konstantin Kuzminsky,
Austin State University, TX, 1986
Russian Poets in the West, ed. Alexander Glezer, The Third Wave Publishing, Jersey City, New Jersey, 1986
Selected Lectures and Panel Presentations:
Judah Magnes Collection, Berkeley University
Universities in Constantin, Annaba, Algers, Algeria
Sheffield University, UK
Birmingham University, UK
Barnard College, Columbia University, NYC
New York University, NYC
New School for Social Research, NYC
United Nation International School, NYC
Drew University, NJ
Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Art, Dijon, France
Ecole des Etudes Slaves, Sorbonne, Paris
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Berkeley University, CA
Austin State University, TX
Blacksburg State University, VA
Selected Poetry Readings and Performances:
The Harriman Institute at Columbia University, NYC
Yorkville Library, New York Public Library, NYC
205 Hudson Gallery, Hunter College Art Galleries, NYC (Distortions: Moscow Conceptualists Working Today, "Evening of Poetry and Actions")
Joseph Brodsky Cabinet, Museum of Anna Akhmatova, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Unnameable Book Store, Brooklyn, NY
Museum of Modern Art with UDP group
Blago Bung Performance Festival, Emily Harvey Foundation, NYC
Co-workers Project, Entwine Tapas Bar, NYC
The Judah Magnes Collection of Jewish Art, Berkeley University
Sculpture Center, LIC, NY
Institute Francaise: Constantin, Annaba, Algers, Algeria
Mad Hatters Journal, Cornelia Café, NYC
Chin Music Poetry Café, Brooklyn, NYC
The Kitchen, NYC
Brooklyn Book Festival, NYC
Dixon Place, NYC
Russian Samovar with Elena Fanailova, organized by ArtsLink/CEC International
St. Mark’s Poetry project, NYC
Bowery Poetry Club, NYC
Shakespeare and Company Bookstore, Paris, France
Spiro Ark, London, UK
Brooklyn Book Festival, NYC
Brooklyn Public Library, NYC
International Poetry Biennial, Moscow, Russia
Borei Art Club, St. Petersburg, Russia
2004, May
Bowery Poetry Club, NYC
2002, June
Bard University/Smolny program, Russian Samovar, NYC
2001, Oct.
Bramson ORT Institute, Brooklyn, NY
2001, Jan.
"From the Next Book," Russian Poets' Club, Workmen Circle, NYC
2000, June
"I love" and other poems, "Reading America" Summer Institute, New School
2000, March
“Poetry and War,” Africana Studies Program, Institute of African American Affairs, NYU
1999, Oct.
East European Poets, Bohemian National Hall, NYC
1999, Oct.
Berkeley University, Slavic Dept., CA
1999, Apr.
Eugene Lang College, Faculty Reading, New School for Social Research, NY
1998, Dec.
Collective Unconscious, Lower East Side, group reading, NYC
1998, Nov.
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
1998, Aug.
A-Ya Art Center, St. Petersburg, Russia
“International Poetry” performance, ArtNation Projects, NYC
“International Poetry” performance; "Art in Transition" seminar, Rutgers State University
Art Nation, Florence Lynch Project, NYC
Art in General, NYC
Eastern European Expatriate Club, New York University, NYC
International Poetry Fest, Stevens Technology Institute, Hoboken, NJ
The B'Nai Jeshurum Synagogue, NYC
Komar & Melamid Studio, NYC
Nabokov Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
Lurie Gymnasium, St. Petersburg, Russia
St. Petersburg Gender Center, Russia
Free Artists Studio, Moscow, Russia
Library of Zionist Forum, Jerusalem, Israel
"Images from the Other Europe," Festival at Central Connecticut State University, CT
American-Israel Friendship Society, NYC
Poets' House, NYC
Japanese Gallery on 7th Avenue, NYC
BBC Poetry Archive, London, England
"Poets in Exile," National Public Radio, Washington, D.C.
Village Voice Bookstore, Paris, France
"In Defense of Ratushinskaya Case," Endicott Booksellers, NYC
Further list of publications available upon request